There is Hope.
Around the globe, ALS warriors have found hope with the Deanna Protocol’s™ revolutionary approach to all-natural symptom reduction.

The Deanna Protocol
Restoring Life at a Cellular Level
Using a well-researched balance of natural ingredients, the Deanna Protocol feeds energy-deprived neurons, restoring life to these dying cells.
Supports Motor Function
Restores energy to the motor neurons in the brain, which control voluntary muscle movement, and reduces muscle twitching and fasciculations.
Improves Neural Signaling
Inherent in the active ingredients are the nutrients required to restore energy to the nerve cells in the body, while also keeping them alive and healthy.
Boosts Cellular Energy
Targets the mitochondria (the energy center of the cells) to improve and support optimal levels of energy production and to allow cells to function normally.

The Deanna Protocol
Providing the life-giving energy required for cellular restoration, the Deanna Protocol is a proprietary blend of all-natural nutrients which work to restore cellular function to the nerve cells impacted by neurodegenerative conditions, such as ALS.

See Reduced Muscle Twitch and Retain Motor Function

Had Increased Energy
“I buy this for my son, he tells me he can feel a difference, it does help him through the day, he is a wrestling coach and teacher. Diagnosed 6 months ago. Thank you.”

Nick W.
“I have been using the product for about 1 month I want to continue with the product I feel as my voice has more volume.”

Cathy B.
“My husband has been using Deanna Protocol for a year and a half…we both feel it has contributed to his continued energy and slowed progression.”

Cindy S.

A Father’s Mission.
The Story Behind
The Deanna Protocol
When Deanna Tedone received the shocking news that she had ALS, her life began a rapid decline. Losing her mobility, her career, her health, and enduring excruciating hardships in her personal life as a result of her diagnosis, life felt hopeless. And after being given a life expectancy of less than three years, she nearly gave up. Fortunately, however, her fight lived on and her story wasn’t over.
Fueled by sheer determination, Deanna fought against the disease with the assistance of her equally-determined father, Dr. Vincent Tedone (a retired orthopedic surgeon). Dr. Tedone tireless researched every possible cause for his daughter’s condition and, after much research and testing, developed an all-natural formula which began to abate his daughter’s symptoms.
Through word of mouth only, news of this “miracle formula” spread all over the globe throughout the ALS community and people began follow Dr. Tedone’s protocol. Further research and investigation gave way to the newest, most effective version of what he, in tribute, called “The Deanna Protocol.” The Deanna Protocol is now available worldwide, sharing Deanna’s hope with countless affected individuals from all corners of the globe. The newest version of the Deanna Protocol contains ratios of ingredients which are proprietary and scientifically proven to be the most effective ratios for ensuring the health of the nerve cells. The new and more effective Deanna Protocol (with these proprietary ratios) is the only neuro-health protocol endorsed by Dr. Tedone and is available only here on this website and on the Deanna Protocol Amazon page.
Join us on an emotional journey as Dr. Tedone, father of Deanna, shares their inspiring story and the beginnings of their relentless fight against ALS.
Watch the full interview to discover the strength, love, and hope that fuels their incredible journey.
Formulated and Endorsed by
Real Doctors and Metabolic Experts
The Deanna Protocol is the first product on the market using a metabolic approach to disrupt the pattern of cellular degeneration in the neurons. With published articles in renowned medical journals, studies conducted at major research universities, and many first-hand testimonials supporting its effectiveness, the Deanna Protocol is making waves in the neurodegenerative disease community.

Primary Active Ingredients Found in the Deanna Protocol
AAKG is alpha-ketogluterate (AKG) with arginine (A) added to it. Alphaketogluterate (AKG) is an essential molecule in the Krebs cycle. The Krebs cycle is responsible for energy production that keeps cells alive and functioning the way they should. Arginine is an ingredient in the Deanna Protocol that makes the AKG easier on the digestive system.
Gamma-Aminobutyric acid is an amino acid produced naturally in the brain. GABA functions as a neurotransmitter, facilitating communication among brain cells. GABA’s big role in the body is to reduce the activity of neurons in the brain and central nervous system. (Several studies show that GABA may not pass the blood brain barrier (BBB*). However, we know that the BBB in those neurodegenerative diseases is not in-tact and, therefore, allows GABA to pass through and be effective.)
*The BBB is a filtering mechanism of the capillaries that block certain substances from reaching the brain and spinal cord.
“I buy this for my son, he tells me he can feel a difference, it does help him through the day, he is a wrestling coach and teacher. Diagnosed 6 months ago. Thank you.”

Nick W.
“I have been using the product for about 1 month I want to continue with the product I feel as my voice has more volume.”

Cathy B.
“My husband has been using Deanna Protocol for a year and a half…we both feel it has contributed to his continued energy and slowed progression.”

Cindy S.

Take Back Control
Neurodegenerative disease causes nerves to gradually, over time, lose their ability to function until the affected individual begins to lose muscular control and motor function altogether. The Deanna Protocol is proven to help maintain normal motor function and nerve function. The Deanna Protocol restores more than just life; it restores hope.

Stay on Protocol for Over 6 Months

Would Recommend the Deanna Protocol
VIEW ALLIs the Deanna Protocol pure and natural?
The Deanna Protocol is a mix of nutrients naturally found in the body (Arginine, Alpha-ketogluterate, and gamma-Aminobutyric acid) in a proprietary ratio that studies have proven most effective. The Deanna Protocol product that we sell also contains all-natural flavoring that has been taste and sensitivity tested by Deanna and others, to ensure that the flavoring is easy on the stomach and the tastebuds! The Deanna Protocol is also pure. There are no artificial preservatives, dyes or flavorings and no unnecessary fillers, excipients, chemicals or other ingredients. The flavoring is added in addition to the Protocol, so it does not compromise the purity of the product. For example, a one scoop measurement of the protocol is measured based on the amount of active ingredient you get in that scoop. Any flavoring present in that scoop is not included in the serving measurements.
What are the risks of taking the Deanna Protocol?
The substances in the Deanna Protocol are naturally found in the body. They are not pharmaceutical drugs, like Riluzole/Rilutek, and are not foreign chemicals being introduced into the body. Taking them at the published servings should not be harmful, provided that you do not have any other medical issues that would make you sensitive to any of the substances or a combination of them and provided that there are no contraindications with substances or drugs you are already consuming. You should check with your doctor to ensure that following the protocol is safe for you, specifically.
What quality control standards do you use in manufacturing?
Our products are made in the United States in a facility that abides by the FDA’s CGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Process) standards. The facility where we manufacture also tests all raw ingredients for purity, the presence of bacteria and viruses, heavy metals and any other substances that should not be present in the raw materials. After manufacturing, the facility also tests the finished products again to make sure they meet the same standards as the raw products. They test every batch and provide us with certificates of analysis for every batch tested. Additionally, the manufacturing facility washes equipment down after every batch, using food grade cleaners on the equipment. Then, the equipment is washed down again with water to remove the cleaners from the equipment. The manufacturing and storage facilities are also temperature and humidity controlled to ensure that the active ingredients retain their shelf life. We also manufacture in small batches, to avoid having to keep inventory on the shelves (which wears out shelf life).
What research exists to prove the Deanna Protocol’s effectiveness?
See our science page
Will my neurologist approve of me taking the Deanna Protocol?
Most are neutral toward the protocol.
Why? Physicians expose themselves to legal liability and risk having their medical licenses revoked if they recommend treatments, solutions or supplements that are not officially recognized by the medical community as “standard of care” for the disease they are treating. Regardless of what evidence may exist supporting new treatments or solutions, physicians are legally obligated to recommend only what falls within “standard of care.” The Deanna Protocol is not and may never be a part of the officially recognized “standard of care” for ALS or neurodegenerative diseases because it is extremely difficult to get non-pharmaceutical substances recognized as part of standard of care. (One reason is because it is impossible to gain FDA approval for a substance that is not a pharmaceutical, as FDA does not approve non-pharmaceuticals. Another reason is that it is also nearly impossible to get FDA recognized clinical trials on a natural substance that is not a pharmaceutical.) Given this information above, if your doctor has no problem with you being on the Deanna Protocol, consider this the strongest green light you may ever receive from a physician regarding the Deanna Protocol. Please keep your doctor updated on how you are doing on the Deanna Protocol whenever you can. While your doctor may not be allowed to recommend it, he/she will likely remain very interested in your progress.